As of 1 March, APM Terminals will grant electric trucks priority passage and handling at the APM container terminal at the Port of Gothenburg.

The initiative is being used by terminal operator APM Terminals to favour haulage firms that have already started to convert their vehicle fleets, while at the same time giving an additional incentive to those considering investing in electrification.

Electric trucks will be fast-tracked through APM Terminals’ gate 4 via a reserved lane, and also enjoy prioritised handling within the terminal area.

APM Terminals operates the container terminal in the Port of Gothenburg, the largest port in Scandinavia.

“We’re seeing more and more haulage firms starting to electrify parts of their vehicle fleets, and we know that more are considering investing in a green transition of heavy goods traffic,” says Brian Bitsch, commercial manager at APM Terminals Gothenburg.

“We hope that supporting these initiatives by offering the fastest possible passage and handling will serve as an incentive and be one small step along the way. Our own container handling operation has been fossil-free for several years, and this solution is fully in line with APM Terminals’ work on sustainability, in which collaboration with our customers is an important key.”

Roughly one million trucks pass through the Port of Gothenburg per year, with one-third of them – around 1,000 vehicles a day – passing through APM Terminals.

Around 30% of Swedish domestic and foreign trade passes through the Port of Gothenburg, as well as over 50% of all Swedish container traffic.

As well as APM Terminals, Gothenburg Roro Terminal and Stena Line also operate terminals that prioritise electric vehicles. Between them, these terminals handle around 90% of the port’s total truck flows.

“It’s a really important initiative by the terminal operators, which literally paves the way for the transition,” says Martin Adeteg, VP of decarbonisation, health and safety at the Gothenburg Port Authority.

“With a priority system in place for the terminals that handle the most trucks, as well as the growing infrastructure for charging in the area around the port, the conditions for electric vehicles are better here than at any other port. This is a development we’re incredibly proud of, but there’s still work to be done.”

The Port of Gothenburg previously announced that it will expand its shoreside power network to the Energy Port and will connect tankers to shore power from 2023, lower CO₂ emissions from vessels by 1,800 tonnes annually.